WEBINAR – Hit the Ground Running: Initial Claim Handling and the Posted Panel of Physicians

03.13.2025 | 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST

Attorneys Ann McElroy and Scotty Hoffman will host the webinar "Hit the Ground Running: Initial Claim Handling and the Posted Panel of Physicians" on March 13, 2025, from 1-2 p.m. Eastern.

Initial claim handling and the employer’s posted panel of physicians can be of significant help in a workers’ compensation claim. Both allow for opportunities to mitigate the exposure posed by such claims. Initial claim handling allows for a timely investigation of the circumstances surrounding an accident, including the mechanism of injury and potential witnesses. Likewise, a valid posted panel, when employees are aware of the panel and its function, can assist with containing medical costs for the employer and insurance carrier while also providing claimants with several accessible medical providers. This webinar will equip you with best practices for initial claim handling, as well as provide you with a detailed overview of the requirements to ensure an employer’s panel and panel procedures are in accordance with the Georgia Board rules and statutes.

The webinar will offer one hour of ETHICS continuing education credit for attendees registered with the Georgia Department of Insurance.

Click here to register. 

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