Swift Currie attorneys analyze legal developments, court decisions and industry updates and alert our clients to recent changes to ensure they stay abreast of issues affecting their businesses.

  • 03.10.2025

    The well-known “Rycroft Defense” recently came under attack at the Georgia Court of Appeals. Previously, in Georgia Electric Company, et al. v. Rycroft, the Supreme Court of Georgia adopted a three-factor test to determine whether an employee’s false statement regarding their physical condition post-hire bars the employee’s workers’ compensation claim.

  • 05.08.2024

    On March 18, 2024, the Georgia General Assembly passed Senate Bill 426, which amends O.C.G.A. § 40-1-112 and O.C.G.A. § 40-2-140 and limits the circumstances under which a plaintiff can assert a direct action against the insurer of a motor carrier. It has been signed by the Governor.

  • 04.22.2024

    Senate Bill 83 significantly changes and brings clarity to time-limited demands for injury claims arising out of motor vehicle collisions, which had become increasingly uncertain and chaotic with “gotcha” demands designed to be virtually impossible to accept.

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