Swift Currie Celebrates International Women's Day

Martine Cumbermack, Partner and Diversity Committee Co-Chair

Swift Currie Celebrates International Women’s Day 2022. International Women’s Day annually celebrates women's social, economic, cultural and political achievements and marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity in all these areas. In addition to heightening our awareness of gender parity in championing these initiatives, Swift Currie proudly remains resolute in our commitment to inclusion and diversity within the firm and wishes to acknowledge the inclusion efforts of our clients and colleagues as well. As our firm grows, so does the representation of women across all ranks within the firm continue to expand as today 33% of our partnership identify as women. The role all our women attorneys and colleagues play in the success and innovation of the firm is valued within and by our clients and the community we serve. As we continue to do the work within to break the biases that define what leadership looks like, we encourage you to do the same in your organizations and communities.

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