"Georgia Tort Reform Proponents Say Bill Grounds Jurors in 'Reality' Before Determining Damage Amounts"

Daily Report

Swift Currie litigator Bill Casey was quoted in a February 27, 2025 Daily Report article discussing the tort reform bill approved by the Georgia State Senate on February 21.

Casey, who is also the president of the Georgia Defense Lawyers Association, said that he believed the bill will give both plaintiffs and defendants “more predictability about the outcome at trial in terms of exposure presented to our clients.”

“We still need something that gives us the ability to advise our clients of the likely outcome at trial,” he said. “I think this legislation provides that tool.”

“It's gotten to the point where—when asked to predict the rational jury verdict range—it’s almost impossible to provide anything close to an accurate prediction. If passed in its current form, it will provide greater predictability for both sides in terms of potential for outcome of trial.”

Among the issues the bill aims to address is that current law allows plaintiffs to present evidence of medical bills for which the plaintiff is not responsible, Casey said. “Under current law, a defendant cannot say, ‘They don’t owe for these bills,’” Casey said. “It’s inherently unfair for a plaintiff to present $100,000 in medical expenses as if they owe them when, in reality, they do not.”

Casey also noted that current state laws on premises liability make property owners and occupiers “pretty much responsible for most any criminal act that occurs on their property, in spite of whatever measures they may take to prevent criminal acts.” The bill will clarify “what the owner or occupier should be responsible for,” Casey said.

For the full article, please click here.


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