The Daily Report Profiles Swift Currie and Crystal McElrath as Part of its 2020 Georgia Legal Awards

Daily Report

On Aug. 24, 2020, The Daily Report profiled Swift Currie as an honoree for the Georgia Legal Award's Litigation Department of the Year - Midsize Firms, and Crystal McElrath as a recipient of the "On the Rise" award.

The firm's Litigation Department of the Year honor recognizes Swift Currie's successful representation in litigation matters and crisis counsel during the past year. Swift Currie’s litigation department strives to meet its clients’ unique needs in each case, whether that means negotiating early settlements, posturing the case for summary judgment, trying the case or defending or pursuing an appeal.

“The single biggest crisis facing all litigators, regardless of practice area, is the pressing need to create a new “normal” in response to the COVID-19 pandemic," said Terry Brantley, managing partner. This public health crisis has fundamentally changed the way our judicial system operates and, therefore, how we litigate.”

The "On the Rise" recognition received by partner Crystal McElrath honors attorneys under the age of 40 who are expected to go far in the field. Since joining the firm, McElrath has built a robust practice handling workers’ compensation claims and the myriad of claims accompanying on-the-job injuries. She is seen as a young leader within the firm and simultaneously participates in the firm’s Diversity & Inclusion, Hiring and Business Development committees.

"Ultimately, my goal is always to be excellent—thorough and knowledgeable—and by doing so, make room for others who look like me," said McElrath. "Amid the pandemic, I haven’t adjusted the larger goals but rather the method for achieving them."

McElrath’s passion lies in pushing the firm toward new levels of diversity and inclusion by challenging what it means to be a good fit for Swift Currie. To date, her proudest career moment would either be winning her first solo motion for summary judgement or leading members of the firm through the American Bar Association’s 21-Day Racial Equity Building Challenge.

Subscribers to the Daily Report may read more about the firm’s recognition here and McElrath’s recognition here.

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