Swift Currie Joins in Support of Passing Hate Crimes Bill in Georgia
Swift Currie joined several Georgia businesses in a letter urging the General Assembly to pass a hate crimes bill and affirm that hate has no place in Georgia. Currently, Georgia is one of one of only four states without a bill addressing hate crimes.
The firm, along with more than 200 business leaders in Georgia, "stand committed to building a better basis for peace and prosperity across our state and our country, founded on justice for all" as employers who "value diversity, fairness and inclusion."
As the General Assembly goes back into session on June 15, the letter encourages the legislature to "support, approve and sign into law a comprehensive, specific and clear bill against hate crimes" and "stand strong and united against targeted violence and bigotry."
Swift Currie believes diversity in skills, viewpoints and backgrounds make us a stronger and more productive firm. We are a firm that does not tolerate racism, bigotry, prejudice, discrimination or any behavior or action(s) that treat someone differently because of who they are, where they come from or the color of their skin. We believe supporting this bill is in line with those values.
To view the full letter and find out how to take action in support of passing a hate crimes bill, please click here.