- 08.03.2018
On August 3, partner Ashley Webber will speak at the program, Litigation Management in a New York Minute – 2018 Edition, hosted by the Network of Trial Law Firms. Her presentation is titled, "Digging through Daubert: From Basic Considerations to Complex Issues in Products Liability Litigation."
- 06.15.2018
Partner Ashley Webber is presenting on "Updates in Product Liability and Spoliation" at the 51st Georgia Defense Lawyers Association (GDLA) Annual Meeting on June 15, 2018. The full meeting will be held from June 14-17 at the Hammock Beach Resort in Palm Beach, FL.
- 05.09.2018
Partner Mark Goodman will moderate a panel at the State Board of Workers' Compensation (SBWC) Regional Educational Series throughout the state of Georgia during the months of March, April and May. The panel titled, "The Plot Thickens," will address issues employers face as a claim moves to a hearing.
- 05.04.2018
Crystal McElrath will be speaking at the 2018 Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Georgia Legal Summit on May 4, 2018, in Savannah, GA. She is slated to present during the 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. breakout session. Her presentation is titled, "Double Duty: Reconciling Employee Handbook Policies to Comply with Federal Employment Laws and the Georgia Workers' Compensation Act."
For more information and to register: Click Here
- 04.26.2018
Partner Martine Cumbermack will be speaking at the State Bar of Georgia's "Workers' Compensation for the General Practitioner" seminar on Thursday, April 26. Cumbermack is a part of the panel discussing the topic, "Trying a Workers' Compensation Case Before the ALJ."
- 04.26.2018
Partner Preston Holloway will be presenting "Workers' Compensation Mediation and Settlement 101" at the Georgia Public Risk Management Association (PRIMA) 2018 Educational Series on Thursday, April 26.
To learn more and register: Click Here
- 04.26.2018
Attorney Dan Kingsley will be speaking at Georgia Motor Trucking Association's (GMTA) monthly safety council meeting on April 26, 2018, from 6-8 p.m. His topic, "Minimizing Risk and Exposure from the Accident Scene," will be an overview of steps to take when an accident happens with potential liability and litigation in mind.
For more information and to register: Click Here
- 04.20.2018
Four Swift Currie attorneys will be speaking at the Atlanta Claims Association (ACA) 2018 Annual Educational Conference on Friday, April 20, 2018. Joanna Jang and Ronni Bright will be panelists during the workers' compensation track. Bright is a member of the case law, legislative and rule change update panel and Jang is a member of the final panel presenting a comparison of state laws. Partner Tom Ward will present a case law update, while Jessica Phillips will speak with an engineering expert on the factual issues arising with hail, wind and other weather-loss claims, during the newly added property track.
For more information and to register: Click Here
- 04.10.2018
Swift Currie partner Joe Angersola is speaking at the second annual American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC) Marine Lay Symposium on April 10, 2018, in Charleston, South Carolina. Individuals in the legal and insurance industry, along with marine law enforcement and manufacturer representatives, will gather to help guide attendees through the legal process of boating accidents.
To learn more and register: Click Here
- 03.02.2018
Swift Currie partner Lisa A. Wade will be speaking at the 2018 American Bar Association (ABA) Workers' Compensation Midwinter Conference held from March 1 to 3, 2018. She is a featured panelist discussing "Ethics and Professionalism Issues in the Workers' Compensation: From Boardroom to Courtroom."
- 03.01.2018
Partner Anandhi Rajan will speak on March 1 at the National Retail & Restaurant Defense Association (NRRDA) 2018 Annual Conference. Rajan will take part in a panel titled, "Employment Law Updates in the Era of Trump, Dreamers and the #MeToo Movement."
To Learn More and Register: Click Here
- 02.26.2018
Partner Mike Rosetti will speak at the Workers' Injury Law & Advocacy Group (WILG) 2018 Southeast Regional Conference held from February 25 to 26. Rosetti takes the stage on February 26 at 9:30 am as part of the "Defending Cases in Your State" panel, moderated by conference committee member Thomas Holder.
For More Information and to Register: Click Here
- 02.22.2018
Partners Doug Bennett and Drew Timmons and associate Dan Kingsley will be speaking at the 2018 Atlanta RIMS Educational Conference held on Feb. 22 - 23, 2018. The annual conference is the largest gathering of risk management professionals throughout the Atlanta region.
To learn more and register: Click Here
- 01.17.2018
Associate Dan Kingsley will present a webcast titled, "Slip and Fall - What Happens if Someone is Hurt in Your Facility." for the Pro Bono Partnership of Atlanta on January 17 at 10:00 a.m.
For more information, please visit the Pro Bono Partnership of Atlanta website.
- 12.06.2017
On Dec. 5 and 6, 2017, partner Anandhi Rajan and associate Crystal McElrath will speak at the National Business Institute's (NBI) Guide to Human Resource Laws in the Workplace Seminar in Atlanta, GA. The two-day event will "examine to most pressing issues in human resources" and leave attendees "fully prepared to act in the best interests of employers and employees."
To learn more and register: Click Here
- 12.01.2017
Swift Currie attorney Ashley Alfonso has been asked to speak at the upcoming NBI Insurance Bad Faith "Set Up" seminar on Friday, Dec. 1, in Atlanta, GA. She will be addressing the topic of "Proper Investigation & Documentation."
- 09.10.2017
Melissa Segel and Rebecca Strickland will be speaking at the 2017 International Association of Special Investigation Units (IASIU) seminar Sept.10-13. They will be speaking on "Litigating Third Party Personal Injury Cases with Litigation Funding Companies Involved."
- 06.27.2017
Ashley D. Alfonso will be speaking at the National Business Institute seminar on June 27, 2017. She will be speaking on "Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Law - Made Simple" discussing motorist coverage and guidelines. The seminar will be in Atlanta, Georgia, from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm.
- 06.27.2017
Swift Currie partner Roger Harris has been asked to present at the American Conference Institute's 16th Annual Advanced Forum on Obstetric Malpractice Claims being held June 26-27 at The Union League of Philadelphia. Mr. Harris will be speaking on "Electronic Discovery, Health Records and the Associated Liability Issues."
- 06.02.2017
Crystal McElrath will once again be speaking at the Nonprofit Risk Management Annual Risk Summit taking place September 17-19 at the Lowes in Philadelphia. This year her presentation will address "Less Polaroids And Snap Filters, More Composition And Development: What Darkroom Photography Can Teach Us About Crisis Communications And Legal Position Statements."
- 05.24.2017
Cristine Huffine will be speaking at the Claims and Litigation Management Alliance (CLM) and Business Insurance Workers' Compensation Conference in Chicago, Illinois, on May 24, 2017. She will be speaking on "To Pay or Not to Pay (for Medical Records Review), That is the Question."
- 04.27.2017
Swift Currie attorneys Doug Bennett, Brad Holcombe, Alex Ficker, David Atkinson and Drew Timmons will be speaking at the Atlanta Claims Association (ACA) Annual Client Seminar on April 27, 2017.
- 03.15.2017
Mark Goodman will be speaking on "How to Prevent Delays in Medical Treatment" during the Georgia State Board of Workers' Compensation Regional Seminar. He will be discussing "Hot Topics" in Workers' Compensation including telecommuting, settlements, delays in medical treatments and medical marijuana.This educational training program will provide valuable information for employers and self-insured employers, human resource and risk managers, claims adjusters, rehabilitation specialists, medical service providers and workers' compensation attorneys. The program will include presentations regarding new developments at the State Board, legislative and case law developments and updates on Board Rules.
- 03.10.2017
Mark E. Irby will be speaking at the Central Alabama Association of Occupational Health Nurses (CAAOHN) Conference on March 10, 2017. He will be speaking on "A Cry for Help: Did These Tears 'Arise Out Of' or 'In the Course of' Employment?"
- 03.01.2017
Rusty Watts and Anandhi Rajan will be speaking as panel members at the National Retail and Restaurant Defense Association National Seminar in San Diego, California, March 1 - 3. Rusty will be speaking on a panel entitled "Showcase Showdown Between Workers' Compensation and Federal Laws" discussing ADA, FMLA and Workers' Comp laws. Anandhi will be speaking on a panel entitled "The Transforming Workplace - It is Not a Dating Game" addressing recent developments and what to expect in the year ahead regarding protections afforded to LGBTQ employees under Title VII, the EEOC and state laws and how the courts have responded.
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