- 12.06.2022
Attorneys Todd Boyce and Jonathan Wilson will host the webinar "A Doctor, Lawyer and a Judge Walk Into a Bar and Order a PMT: PMTs and Conference Calls" on December 6, 2022, from 1-2 p.m. Eastern.
- 11.11.2022
Swift Currie's House of Legal Horrors — EARN 5 CE CREDITS
Join us for a TERRIFYINGLY good time on Friday, Nov. 11, as our attorneys discuss emerging trends and strategies in litigation through a series of panels, breakout sessions and a mock trial encompassing all the legal tools and principles discussed
throughout the day in a “real-life” courtroom setting. - 10.06.2022
Attorneys Marvis Jenkins and Alex McDonald will host the webinar “Defending the Empty Chair,” on October 6, 2022, from 1-2 p.m. Eastern.
Click here to register. Instructions to join webinar will be emailed to registrants closer to the date of the program.
- 09.16.2022
Join Swift Currie for our Annual Workers' Compensation Client Seminar, "Swift Currie Gameday," which will be held on Friday, Sept. 16, 2022, at the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre from 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
- 08.24.2022
Save the date! On August 24, 2022, the Workers' Compensation Defense Institute (WCDI) will hold its multi-state breakout panel sessions at the Workers' Compensation Institute 2022 Conference.
To learn more and register: Click Here
- 08.09.2022
Attorneys Thea Nanton-Persaud and Ben McClure will host the webinar "Grinding Through the Weeds: Georgia Marijuana Law and Workers’ Compensation Claims" on August 9, 2022, from 1-2 p.m. Eastern.
- 08.02.2022
Attorneys Janie Hagood and Tim Peacock will host the webinar “Understanding Liens: A Deep Dive Into Hospital Liens and Attorneys' Liens,” on August 2, 2022, from 1-2 p.m. Eastern.
Click here to register. Instructions to join webinar will be emailed to registrants closer to the date of the program.
- 07.26.2022
Swift Currie invites you to the second event of our 2022 Women’s Event Series: Connect to Confidence. The event will be held on Tuesday, July 26, at the Hyatt at Villa Christina. Registration begins at 7:45 a.m. and the program will take place from 8:15-10:15 a.m. (EST).
- 07.21.2022
Attorneys Fred Ferrand and Lauren Meadows will host the webinar "Who is Paying for This?? Indemnification, Contribution and Additional Insured Coverage: Contractual and Common Law Methods for Making Someone Else Pick Up the Tab" on July 21, 2022, from 1-2 p.m. EST.
Click here to register. Instructions to join webinar will be emailed to registrants closer to the date of the program.
- 06.15.2022
Attorneys Mark Irby and Brandon Rosenstein will host the webinar “Is There a Doctor in the House?! The Panel of Physicians and Its Importance in Managing Workers' Compensation Claims,” on June 15, 2022, from 1-2 p.m. Eastern.
- 05.17.2022
Attorneys Kelly Chartash and Kori Eskridge will host the webinar “Is it Rude to Talk About Money? No, Let's Talk About Damages!” on May 17, 2022, from 1-2 p.m. Eastern.
Click here to register. Instructions to join webinar will be emailed to registrants closer to the date of the program.
- 05.12.2022
Our knowledgeable panelists will answer all of your questions -- perhaps in the form of a question! We will address important issues such as IMEs, return to work, medical testing and MMI. Arrive ready to have fun and win prizes while you earn CEU credits and enjoy a delicious lunch.
- 05.05.2022
Attorneys Alicia Timm and Sara Alexandre will host the webinar “Hot Off the Press! A Review of Recent and Upcoming Significant Decisions and Legislative Activity and the Resulting Impact on Defense Strategy,” on May 5, 2022, from 1-2 p.m. Eastern.
- 04.14.2022
Attorneys Blake Staten and Scotty Hoffman will host the webinar “Don’t Break the Bank: Best Practices for Avoiding Costly WC Claims,” on April 14, 2022, from 1-2 p.m. Eastern.
- 03.17.2022
Swift Currie invites you to the first event of our 2022 Women’s Event Series: Reflect and Reset. The event will be held on Thursday, March 17, at the Hyatt at Villa Christina. Registration begins at 7:45 a.m. and the program will take place from 8:15-10:15 a.m. (EST).
- 02.15.2022
Swift Currie is pleased to co-host this free Risk Control Workshop on Tuesday, February 15, at the Cobb Galleria Centre. The program is scheduled from 8:30 am - 3:00 pm and will offer 5 general CE hours (pending approval by the Georgia Department of Insurance).
- 12.01.2021
Attorneys Thea Nanton-Perasud and Christopher Beerman will host the webinar "Let's Get in Form-ation: Form Filing 101," on Dec. 1, 2021, from 1-2 p.m. Eastern.
- 11.17.2021
Attorneys Bill Casey and Beth Bentley will host the webinar, "Quandaries on Quynn: The Lasting Effect of Quynn v. Hulsey," on Nov. 17, 2021, from 1-2 p.m. Eastern.
- 11.10.2021
Attorneys Jeff Stinson and Dustin Thompson will host the webinar, "When Good Employees Behave Badly: Fights, Horseplay and Willful Misconduct Defenses in Georgia," on Nov. 10, 2021, from 1-2 p.m. Eastern.
- 10.21.2021
Attorneys Joanna Jang and Marc Sirotkin will host the webinar, "Money, Money, Money! Calculating TTD, Converting to TPD and Handling Underpay/Overpay Scenarios," on Oct. 21, 2021, from 1-2 p.m. Eastern.
- 10.14.2021
Attorneys Steve Schatz and Sean Farrell will host the webinar, "Groundwork for Construction Claims: Initial Investigation and Early Contractual and Coverage Considerations," on Oct. 14, 2021, from 1-2 p.m. Eastern.
- 09.17.2021
Join Swift Currie on a virtual journey through . . . "Once Upon a Time at Swift Currie." This year's annual workers' compensation seminar will be held virtually on Friday, Sept. 17, 2021, from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
- 08.04.2021
Attorneys Debra Chambers and Nichole Novosel will host the webinar, "It's Not Us, It's You: Asserting a Defense for Willful Failure or Refusal to Use a Safety Appliance and Other § 34-9-17 Defenses," on Aug. 4, 2021, from 1-2 p.m. Eastern.
- 07.22.2021
Attorneys Roger Harris and Sabrina Atkins will host the webinar, "The Continued Evolution of Sex Trafficking Litigation and Defense Counsel Strategies," on July 22, 2021, from 1-2 p.m. Eastern.
- 06.30.2021
Attorneys Traci Teer and Joanna Hair will host the webinar, "Don't Fear the Reaper: Death Claims in Workers' Compensation," on June 30 from 1-2 p.m. Eastern.
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